ciput - ciput mengusha


06 July 2009


name :crookshank
owner :hermione granger
live :live in hogwart,in hermione's dorm
and in the griffindoor room(cant remember the
correct pronouns)

We first meet Crookshanks in the third installment of the series, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in the magical pet shop, the Magical Menageri.

Crookshanks is a most fascinating creature. He appears to be a large ginger cat with a squashed flat face and bottle-brush tail. He belongs to Hermione.

Crookshanks is part Kneazle, which accounts for his unusual intelligence and his ability to identify suspicious characters, most notablyPeter Pettigrew when disguised as Scabbers, Ron’s pet rat. But he also recognizes and disapproves of cheating, judging by the way he stared at Ron and Harry when they were making up answers on their Divination homework.

But he can also be a normal cat, one to chase gnomes in the yard, or simply play with a ball of string. Because of the cat’s attitude toward his pet rat, Ron disliked Crookshanks intensely when Hermione bought him.

However, once the cat’s true nature and intentions became clear (and when Scabbers’ did as well), Ron accepted Crookshanks and even held up Pigwidgeon (Pig for short), his new owl, up to the cat for approval. JK Rowling says this about how she thought of Crookshanks:

” When I was working in London in the late 1980s I used to eat my lunch in a nearby square on sunny days and a large, fluffy ginger cat that looked as though it had run face-first into a wall used to prowl around the sunbathers there; I assume it lived in a nearby house.

I didn’t ever get close enough to give myself an asthma attack, but I became distantly fond of this cat, which prowled among the humans around it looking disdainful and refusing to be stroked.

When I decided to give Hermione an unusually intelligent cat I gave him the appearance of this haughty animal, with the slightly unfair addition of bandy legs.”

Poor Crookshanks, he still gets picked on in the movies and in the books my non other, Ronald Weasley. But you will never find a more intelligent pet than our dear old Crookshanks.

the deathly hallows

ak da bace da buku nie..tapi dlm malay punye tajuk..ak x ingat lak..da lame da x bace buku 2..

ending die best giler hehehe..nk tau bace r..

voldemorts horcrux

he split his soul into 7 objects and organisms..there r..

The Horcrux’s were Tom Riddle’s diary,Marvolo Gaunts ring (also the Resurrection Stone), Salazar Slytherin’s locket, Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, Rowena Ravenclaw’s Diadem, Voldemorts pet snake Nagini and of course Harry Potter.

the ending of the whole story

epilog ini kemudian memaparkan 19 tahun kemudian,selepas kematian voldemort yg telah dikalahkan oleh Harry.Menampilkan (eceh menampilkan..hehehe)
Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione serta anak mereka Albus, Lily, James (Harry dan Ginny’s) dan Rose dan Hugo (Ron and Hermione’s) already married la...

it also has a tiny glimpse of Draco and his son Scorpius. The scene is on Platform 9 3/4 whereThe Golden Trio are seeing their children off to Hogwarts.

still remember this two naughty twin??

double bufday utk pelakon harry potter kesukaan ramai!,
Fred and George Weasley.Fred & George Weasley dilakonkan oleh
(James and Oliver Phelps)dalh karakter yg plg digemari ramai.

Pernah ke anda berjumpa dgn org yg tak suke dgn org yg notorius spt
fred 'n' george??

Their sharp wits and clever remarks could crack a smile even on Mr. Crouch’s face. So far in the series, J.K. Rowlings has given us limited information about this pair of mischief makers. The Harry Potter community has had to develop their own speculations, discussions, and theories on the Weasley twins.

There has always been much speculation about which is the eldest twin. Many people believe that George is the elder. AsKate griffith said, “I always thought George was oldest. Mainly because it’s Fred who never shuts up.” In canon, Fred does seem to be the more exuberant of the pair, if only marginally. George seems slightly more mature. So the theory here is that ‘with age comes wisdom’, or that since George seems more rational he must be older, if only by a few minutes.

byk sgtlah..malas ak nk tulis...kalo ana rajin membace,bace r smpi abis...
ante lagi suke lah..

so....smpi disini sja ya...


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