ciput - ciput mengusha


29 July 2009

i'm fear a lot...

ari 2...jln2 gi CM nk tgk design baju...lps 2...minum air stakat yg ak igt..baru due kali minum air sjuk...air teh ais ngan slurpee...kt skola ak minum cendol...hah...2 je kot...
lepas 2...balek2 ak mule sket tekak...sket tekak...sket tekak.........

ari isnin lak...ptt nye ak disebabkan rase keperitan yg xtertahan..ak bebuke lah...bole la...pastu balek nye 2..ak beli streapsil...mkn punye mkn...tggl 2 bijik je.lagi..ak pon da mule batok2...

ari selase lak....ak pon g la ikot kakak ak gi shah alam...sbb die kene tunaikan janji die kt ak...nk belanje ak...batok3....mmg xsehat...lps gi pkns lak sacc mall kt blakang...g mkn piza...dgn ais die lagi...hui gile!..ak mmg cari nahas...minum ais lagi..bile nk baek tekak!..da round2...beli 2 beli ni...ak pon balek....fui...dgn udare nye yg tercemar...hei..sekse tol..
da smpi umah.ak rase cm nk demam...skali mandi...mmg ak rase dmm...pastu solat maghrib...abis 2...mak ak ajak gi amik adek ak kt umah kwn die...ak pon ikot la....

dok dlm kete...diam la...ak penat bjlan...demam demam demam...ak risau lak...da la btok,sket tekak,skunk demam...hish! ak nk pegi klinik tp mls lak...

balek umah..ak pon baring kt tepi meja...mak ak pon tanye..penat ker?

ak pon jwb"demam kot"...ceh leh lak kot kot...da sah2 demam...mak ak pon sket agi nk xla panik sgt...
die suruh ak mkn ubat..da mkn...da mam ubat...pastu mak ak suroh tido...ak nie mane leh tido awal2...jd ak pon bace la buku yg baru ak beli kt mph siang lak cite dunia jam 10 nie...ak nk pnskn badan...biar kuar peluh...selubung la ngan selimut..minum lagi ngan air milo bdn ak x kuar peloh pon...ahh...lantak la...lame2 kuar r 2...patu abg ak balek dr starbuck...apelagi bwk blk mknn la...ak mkn...leh lg terloncat...ak nie sehat ke x?
tadi kate demam....pastu lame kemudian ak pon masok tido...zz..zz..z.zz.z..zz....

ari rabu lak...ak pon da sehat sket...pastu masok ke wktu petang..ak pon mandi petang...pastu ak rase cm ak kene nafas kuat2...ak sesak nafas ke? ya Allah...ak da takot...cpt2 ak gi solat asar..mintak2 di jauhkan drpd penyakit yg berbahaye 2...Ameen...

takot ak xyah ckp la...mmmgg takot thp karma...nie mlm nie..ak berkire2...kalo mak ak ajk gi amik adek ak lg...ak nk ikot...pastu nk g klinik...ak nk check je...demi keselamatan sejagat...

Ya Allah..ko jauhilah ak drpd penyakit yg berbahaya itu...berilah ku kesempatan utk melalui kebahagiaan spt org laen ya Allah...amin...amin ya Rabbalalamin...

sungguh takot...mgkn smpi disini sje entri kali ini...ak mendoakan keluarga ak,member2 ak yg tersyg selamat dn terhindar drpd segale musibah..Ameen...anda juga...

slm syg ;

24 July 2009

ak frust smpi.....

smpi jd xbetol n...tetibe ak demam....demam?...patah semangat daaa....yo yo oo..dlm klas hyper gile...smpi wat bend xmsok akal...i'm sick of this...MEN CANNOT BE TRUSTED!! only 20% in 100%..xleh lelebih..

ak wat...

time mate : ak da xleh fokus da...sbb...ak da sket ati gler! kne wat bisector la n bla bla bla....ak wat pon cm myt idop boring2 ak tulis blakang kertas 2...kih3.......SYE SYG KAMOO sume!!....
borink gler bpk ah...xyah ckp ar....n then ari ni lak merupakan hari laugh days yg kedua.....gelak aje la spnjg ari..walaupun hakikatnye...hati ak da bedarah thp gaban nieh..

sains : sains sblom rehat..ak pon yoyoyo...still hyper cm r nk nunjukkan yg ak cooool walaupon lps dijeling tajam!...sains lps rehat...ak da bertenaga! ye la dari waktu sivik/mule msok klas je..perot da menyanyi! mintak energe!woh logo den....

.minah f 2 lak...wat lak muke manis...tuih!!! nk muntah ijau ak tgk! ko nk sgt die amik r! amik r! da sanggap sgt!...mampos ko r...pastu lpk kt meja diyana n the gang...ak nyanyi2...dorg pk ak syok sndiri...last2 balek tempat sndiri...weh...jadi panton lak! bebakat ak nie..n then...dok la..dgr classmate wat presentation...woh..smpi suboh pon xabis cmnie.....membebel la ko...bsok pagi baru ak bangun...

all the time amy,ak n mas asyik tegeeeelak aje la...mmg x benti gelak..dok klas gelak..surau gelak..lab gelak...waduh2 balek pon gelak...

bi : bi lak...teacher asyk ngan phantom opera jer...heih...bosan ak...presentation lagi...2 group lagi...heheheheh...pastu ak tunjuk la krts yg ak tulis sye syg kamoo tadi...hahahaha...teacher's says : hak alah(ak pk teacher nk kutok do..last2....) alalalala...sweet nye..teharu sye....ak pon senyom aja la...

alah senaye...dari waktu fes agi ak xdok diam...sbb bengang!...da 2..wat la cm perangai ak yg biase...hari nie...wat gile lagi...syok nye! untungnya...ak punya teman yg baik,caring...wah..ak nk sebot x terhitung byknye...sbb mreka la..ak ttp teguh(eceh teguh...) dorg la shbt dunia akhirat ak!..mereka adalah amy mastura dan nur masturah..yah sume ade masturah kan??? name same giler ade mmber cm dorg!...luv u all...susah senang ttp bersame!...daaaa....smpi sini sje...

ak adalah...nur halimah a.k.a ha5

p/s : sekiranye terkasar bhs,mintk maap dipinta...ak juga manusia biase...pantun lagi...kih3

23 July 2009

things that i would like to say bout kawads competition

mmg bengang fes2 cikgu x kasi kuar klas! mcm cacing kepangangan sume...
pape r...x sport lgsg!n then lame2 baruuuu ckgu kasi kuar..nsb baek lom mule...lps da lapor diri....pertunjukan pon bermule...........

says me :

BOMBA : u guys looks really smart...malang nye ckgu jef kate korg ade 5 yg kekurangan,thats why korg xdpt...da 2 kekurangan org lak...kalo x da dpt da... jgn hampe thn dpn leh dak?

PENGAKAP : says me.......sory to say...mmg mcm semut yg lari bertempiaran...sory la..bkn niat nk mengutuk...sian lak tgk afiq yg kene hentak kaki 2...muke da tebal da...lg tebal dr tembok bsr cine agknye..muke serius muke serius...

KRS : yay...u guys looks great..eceh puji kadet sndiri an...korg mmg smart...cume...formasi korg tu xde unsur kwd...thats why dpt no 2...tapi yg penting korg smart...dan sbtu nnt korg KENE! kalahkan KPO...jge2 ngan juri berat sblh 2...

KPO : komen ak...skuad korg mmg smart...hehehehehe....baju da yg xlawa nye...byk lak bnde yg tecabot! tali la...tapak kasot la..da 2...berterabor mcm pengakap...
tp nk wat cmner kan..korg ade back up juri...xpe la..sng r menang! yg pasti nyer..KRS akn klhkan korg! yay go go krs!

PBSM : korg pon same berterabor cm lg ok dr pengakap..ksian ak tgk komander pengakap 2...leh lg tergelak...pergh..muke da malu gile...formasi korg ok..lwa jgk...

PUTERI ISLAM : ....................................per r tarik diri...x challenge r cm nie..xpelah..lebih baek x msok dr malu kan?

ladies and gentlemen..thats all 4 today...kite akn tau sumenye..sape yg lg terer mase ari sobonarnye nnt...hihihihi...daaaaaa....

p/s : mtk maap sekirenye editor nya terkasar ato tekutok ato tersindir...maapin dong kekhilafan editornya...slm syg ;

13 July 2009

ha...yg diatas 2.....

ha...yg kt atas 2...spt yg anda sedia maklum..atlit smk subang ye..

let me introduce all of u...

mule2 skali..yg mat betige yg landing baik punye 2..

dari kiri : amar porengge (dak lmpr cakera) menyakitkan hati je mamat nie, and then baju biru,ehem2..raje jumper or atlit lompat jauh...alah sme la 2.. aaa..lps 2..hafiz (ha..runners)..byk acare la die amik..ta igt ak..

lepas 2...line yg kedua lak..
yg mempunyai 7 org

dari kiri : yg pgg medal..eceh..medal konon..alep Toyol name die..then baju kuning 2...kak ain name die..agk kepoh skit..sory sis..heheh..pastu..mulut terbkk 2..alep tapir lak..ceh bajet je..agk gatal mat is megat..woh mat nie..ak tabik die..terer dlm long distance..sme acare ngan ak la 2..then is kite..woh..ak cm kenal je baju 2..baju kudin(si mus) hilg kemane la die amirul haziq..kekdg nampah ngan die..sbelah die sofia yg agk lurus sket org nye..sme acare ngan ak gak..terer die nie..jgn memain..

line tadi da abis..skunk yg dok kt atas sket..

yg bermule ngan dak laki yg diri 2..dan mempunyai 10 org ye..

dari kiri : syahmi name die(ngah diri,pndg tmpt lain)..mat nie pon terer gak..last2 minit baru die speed..hampir2 lupe name die..pastu awey bju sme ngan syahmi..msok acare lmpt jauh..dpt naib 2..terer2..sbelah die amin..dak poyo..annoying la gak..(sweater ijau)..yg tudug pink 2..cikgu shahliza name sme ngan shaliza..ta leh bla..and then cikgu ainur penasihat kitorng gak is..cikgu hazel..bkn kcg hazel ye..skunk ngah cuti bersalin..ckgu..sye mintak maaf byk2..psl kjdian 2..sory la wat ckgu geram sbb sye yg dptkan tmpt last tudung biru cair..pastu si anas..sbelah anas kak faten yg bole2 sja..sbelah syahirah..acara pdg..kalo ak x sbut acare tu makne nye runners la..bkn acare balapn..yg diri 2..hamizan..terer la t-shirt ok..

pastu naik atas sket jumpe lah ngan 6 org atlit lagi..

dari kiri : muhaimin..acare pdg..sporting mat is anas si kembar,nie ak ta tau yg mane satu anas ngan faizal..sebijik sgt muke dorg..lps 2 ali a.k.a razali..hish mamat nie kan..nk je ku siku muke die..yg paling kepoh antara sume2 nie..ske sgt karoke dlm bas...kalo sdp xpe tajol a.k.a black a.k.a nazrul men acare lompt jauh..pastu yg sporting 2 kak farhana..spoting and cute..sbelah 2 yg baru nk naek..

part nie la ak lege..sbb da nk abis writing da...
and ade ak..keh3..

dari kiri : baju kuning tudg itam...acare die pon same ngan die shaliza yg ak ckp 2...lepas 2 dayang..ske sgt ngan acare 400 meter...sbelah dayang rotcana,acare pdg..bole la thn rapat ngan is pika..die mmg rapat ngan ak..and i call her pika pikano..based on my fav anime..kih3..lps 2 si ayon thuru.. ...hei mane devindran ha??? and of course lps thuru ak..ha5..hehehehe...sbelah ak lak eddy..die pon spesies cm megat..walau kulit last skali dlm gmbr nie adalh..jamarul..bakkate dorg mat saleh..heheheh..await hang pndg atas?

dan yg xde dlm gmbr nie..

  • maizatul sara a.k.a mai
  • mus kudin
  • faizal rani ( kembar kpd anas)
  • devindran
  • mimi
  • sam saraei

mane la hampa sume pegi..kalo ade name yg ak tetinggal 2..nnt ak boh ye..mase skunk nie ak lupe..

k..2 lah die name2..dak atlet...nk kenal lagi tgk majalah infinit taun nie nye..dpt taun dpn la..

09 July 2009

khatimah cinta (offical video)

best giler lagu nie...layan..

06 July 2009


name :crookshank
owner :hermione granger
live :live in hogwart,in hermione's dorm
and in the griffindoor room(cant remember the
correct pronouns)

We first meet Crookshanks in the third installment of the series, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in the magical pet shop, the Magical Menageri.

Crookshanks is a most fascinating creature. He appears to be a large ginger cat with a squashed flat face and bottle-brush tail. He belongs to Hermione.

Crookshanks is part Kneazle, which accounts for his unusual intelligence and his ability to identify suspicious characters, most notablyPeter Pettigrew when disguised as Scabbers, Ron’s pet rat. But he also recognizes and disapproves of cheating, judging by the way he stared at Ron and Harry when they were making up answers on their Divination homework.

But he can also be a normal cat, one to chase gnomes in the yard, or simply play with a ball of string. Because of the cat’s attitude toward his pet rat, Ron disliked Crookshanks intensely when Hermione bought him.

However, once the cat’s true nature and intentions became clear (and when Scabbers’ did as well), Ron accepted Crookshanks and even held up Pigwidgeon (Pig for short), his new owl, up to the cat for approval. JK Rowling says this about how she thought of Crookshanks:

” When I was working in London in the late 1980s I used to eat my lunch in a nearby square on sunny days and a large, fluffy ginger cat that looked as though it had run face-first into a wall used to prowl around the sunbathers there; I assume it lived in a nearby house.

I didn’t ever get close enough to give myself an asthma attack, but I became distantly fond of this cat, which prowled among the humans around it looking disdainful and refusing to be stroked.

When I decided to give Hermione an unusually intelligent cat I gave him the appearance of this haughty animal, with the slightly unfair addition of bandy legs.”

Poor Crookshanks, he still gets picked on in the movies and in the books my non other, Ronald Weasley. But you will never find a more intelligent pet than our dear old Crookshanks.

the deathly hallows

ak da bace da buku nie..tapi dlm malay punye tajuk..ak x ingat lak..da lame da x bace buku 2..

ending die best giler hehehe..nk tau bace r..

voldemorts horcrux

he split his soul into 7 objects and organisms..there r..

The Horcrux’s were Tom Riddle’s diary,Marvolo Gaunts ring (also the Resurrection Stone), Salazar Slytherin’s locket, Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, Rowena Ravenclaw’s Diadem, Voldemorts pet snake Nagini and of course Harry Potter.

the ending of the whole story

epilog ini kemudian memaparkan 19 tahun kemudian,selepas kematian voldemort yg telah dikalahkan oleh Harry.Menampilkan (eceh menampilkan..hehehe)
Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione serta anak mereka Albus, Lily, James (Harry dan Ginny’s) dan Rose dan Hugo (Ron and Hermione’s) already married la...

it also has a tiny glimpse of Draco and his son Scorpius. The scene is on Platform 9 3/4 whereThe Golden Trio are seeing their children off to Hogwarts.

still remember this two naughty twin??

double bufday utk pelakon harry potter kesukaan ramai!,
Fred and George Weasley.Fred & George Weasley dilakonkan oleh
(James and Oliver Phelps)dalh karakter yg plg digemari ramai.

Pernah ke anda berjumpa dgn org yg tak suke dgn org yg notorius spt
fred 'n' george??

Their sharp wits and clever remarks could crack a smile even on Mr. Crouch’s face. So far in the series, J.K. Rowlings has given us limited information about this pair of mischief makers. The Harry Potter community has had to develop their own speculations, discussions, and theories on the Weasley twins.

There has always been much speculation about which is the eldest twin. Many people believe that George is the elder. AsKate griffith said, “I always thought George was oldest. Mainly because it’s Fred who never shuts up.” In canon, Fred does seem to be the more exuberant of the pair, if only marginally. George seems slightly more mature. So the theory here is that ‘with age comes wisdom’, or that since George seems more rational he must be older, if only by a few minutes.

byk sgtlah..malas ak nk tulis...kalo ana rajin membace,bace r smpi abis...
ante lagi suke lah..

so....smpi disini sja ya...


trailer harry potter~

hehehehe...16 julai nanti kuar r die..i'm lookin' forwrd to see it...

04 July 2009

hiyak! penat ak..

penat tol nk tuka layout nie..bengkek je..
last2 malas ak nk tuka2 ak pakai je la layout nie..


i'm in hurry..nk gi kenduri wak tolil..
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