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24 December 2012

Learn To Read Korean In 5 Minutes !

#nowlisteningto : U-KISS - When Love Stop

I'm currently learning others languange which is hangul , in other name is korean and also japanese . Stage nak studynya . . . fuh ~ . 

First time , i'm like . . what the heck are these alphabets ? Who's the one create this ?.

Later on , i'm started to understand a bit of how its written and so on . Ok without waiting , lets jump into photos below .

A bit confusing right ? it's ok , keep going .

yeah whatever , not helping you pretty much right ?. Photos above just only for the briefing . Trust me , it's whole lot easier if u go through youtube channel .  I'm having the hard time searching for the right source . I mean the real languange teaching . FINALLY ! i've come across this 
channel when i'm started to learn basic japanese .

here some :

Learn Hangul / Korean :

Learn Japanese :

website above are the official teaching . its free and easy to access .

bagi yang nak go through youtube tu . search je kt youtube .
You know what to do .

Some people might thought that i've learn all these things because
of k-pop phenomenon nowadays . But they are totally WRONG
I've always wanted to learn new languange . would'nt it be a lot easier if
you know and understand the conversations around you .

And feel  knowing and understands TV dramas and so on .
hehehe . 

And i thought , after finish learning korean and japanese , 
i want to proceed with the chinese languange . 
As nowadays , most of  the job need you to be fluent in english and 
mandarin . Man , chinese sure will be tough 


Time sure is not enough for me to learn all these new things , 
with i'm currently working after my SPM .
just started to be busy again .
later on i will post about my job .

thank you for reading my post !
Love u all ! :DD

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